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Exhale with Cookie  Biblically

Blessed way to mediate day and night

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No more smiling animals in the ark!

The world is out to destroy children. This war demands armed warriors. Our children need to be prepared. Christian parents have a...

Leading God's Community

"Do you know that we will judge angels? Then we should be able to judge the things of this life even more! So suppose you disagree with...

Set your heart to study God's Word

The Jews in Ezra's time were responsible for rebuilding the Temple, the House of God. They hit snags, were thwarted by enemies and were...

Turning His back to us

Romans 8:31 "What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? What were "these things?"...

Only God can be Trusted not to Fail

Psalm 146:3 "Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save. " Reading through Chronicles brings such a flurry of...

Yet He...

2 Chronicles 24:18b-19 "... And wrath came upon Judah and Jerusalem for this guilt of theirs. Yet he sent prophets among them to bring...

Guarding the Heart... King Asa

"Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life" Proverbs 4:23. Many of you know this verse. Some of you...

Giving Willingly

1 Chronicles 29: 9 "Then the people rejoiced because they had given willingly, for with a whole heart they had offered freely to the...

The Beauty of Biblical Marriage

The beauty of biblical marriage and God's gift of it has been attacked for years, not just in recent history. Everything God has called...

God gives grace to the Humble - King Ahab

The story of king Ahab is a horrific read. He was the evilest of the kings of Israel. The Bible says, "there was none who sold himself...

The Whoville Christmas

I love watching the original Grinch movie. It's short and simple. At the same time, most people celebrate the Grinch and his change of...

Repentance takes responsibility without excuses

The tale of three men, two Saul and Solomon, who do not take responsibility for their sins but make excuses and become hardened. Between...

The appearance of godliness

I believe God wanted the success of Saul when Israel asked for a king. He went so far as to describe how the king and the people would...

Lessons on handling Rejection

Samuel is an excellent example of having a relationship with those who reject God, and it feels like you are being rejected. In 1 Samuel...

Parenting troubles and treasures

The book of Samuel opens up right away to a battle between two women. That is a blog of its own. I know women reading this can concur. ...

Joshua, proof that faithful living is possible

The book of Joshua is about victory, correction, success, and God's faithfulness. When we focus on all God is doing and all Israel does...

Submit to God; Resist the devil

When reading the Bible, it is a joy when God connects what is being read in the Old Testament with theology from the New Testament. The...

Obedience will be your Wisdom and Reward

Obeying God is a rewarded lifestyle. Deuteronomy 4 begins with God reminding Israel how He destroyed those who chose idol worship. ...

God is for Justice

In setting Israel up to move into the promised land, he warned against idolatry. He reminded them of the Feast at their appropriate...

Jealous with God's jealousy

The transliteration for the Greek word Jealous in the context of Numbers 25 when speaking of Phinehas, grandson of Aaron, the priest, is...

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