Most people are careful about their words around children, but do we consider our words around unbelievers? We attempt not to talk in ‘Christian-ees’ (in house verbiage). We definitely watch the possibility of fowl language. 😳
But what about complaints?
While we know complaining is sin, we put it in the excusable box. That’s not so serious! I’m just joking.
But what does God say through his Word?
Psalm 39:1 “I said, ‘I will guard my ways, Lest I sin with my tongue; I will restrain my mouth with a muzzle, While the wicked are before me.”
Don’t get offended at being called wicked if you’re not a Christian. That comparison is against the backdrop of believer and non believer. It is what it is. Not actions specifically but a heart apart from God. At the time of this passage it was being apart from God through Covenantal relationship, being part of Israel’s remnant of believers, in obedience to The law. A heart after God, more specifically. I say that because David was probably calling out men that were from Israel. Today it is not being in relationship with God’s Son as Lord and receiving saving Grace. I felt like that was a necessary sticking point to disabuse.
In this same passage when David could hold his tongue no longer, he cried out to God. I will leave that for you to read.
The second example is written by Asaph in Psalm 73: 15, “If I said,’I will speak this,’ Behold, I would have been untrue to the generations of Your children.”
If you read further in this passage you will see how Asaph resolved to handle what he thought was an injustice. He went to God. It would not be through communication with the nearest person. He wanted to protect them from his lack of faith until God was able to correct him.
Asaph and David knew God would fill them with understand if they chose to handle their angst the correct way. God would not answer with specificity, but with An understanding of Himself. Not necessarily what he would do to change their circumstances. Because those, did not change, right away.
I’m guilty like everyone, of not keeping my “tongue from evil, and (my) lips from speaking deceit.” That can get away from ALL of us, 😥.
When we are cavalier with our words we are dishonoring God. When we vocalize our lack of faith, we can, without knowing, cause, “the name of God (to be) blasphemed among the Gentiles (unbelievers) because of you.”
This is not in expressing opinions folks don’t agree with. But maybe it is, if God tells you or me to be quiet.
This is not by expressing hard truths folks reject. But maybe it is if there’s a conviction to hold our tongue.
It is definitely through verbally expressing a lack of hope. It can be expressing frustration in ways that doesn’t share how God is still good no matter how things turn out. In other ways, eliminating the giving of thanks, or in expressing praise. That doesn’t have to look like “Christian-ees”.
It is though on “giving them something to talk about.” How about? God, Jesus and the hope of Eternal life that begins the moment we receive His gift of Pardon.
I’m probably just looking in the mirror, and opining out loud. But any kind of admonition that points out sin; brings me to repentance and closer to my Lord, and Our Father is perfectly fine with me.
Have a muzzled and guarded rest of your day 🤪🤣💕