God’s fame was not their intention, but through Israel, God’s reputation was His purpose. Whatever God took them through, His great power and miraculous provision traveled as much with Israel as the cloud that led them during the day and the fire that lit the way at night. His reputation reached the ears of the surrounding nations. God chose Israel to highlight Himself to the countries around them. He revealed Himself through Israel whether they walked faithful or rebelled. As His children, their reputation was so integral to God’s character. When they continued in rebellion, He told Moses, “Depart; go up from here, you and the people whom you have brought up out of the land of Egypt, to the land which I swore to Abraham… I will send an angel before you and drive out the Canaanites… Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey…” God would not take back his promise to give them the land. God remained faithful. Here’s what their rebellion did to the heart of God as the passage continues, Exodus 33:3: “… but I will not go up among you, lest I consume you on the way, for you are a stiff-necked people.” Not only is God’s reputation connected to His people, but His holiness is part of that relationship. He wants people who walk faithfully with Him as He is with them. Yes, stumbling will happen, and Israel has pushed Him far. They were about to pay for this rebellion and doubt. God, whose reputation is connected with them, offers repentance as a gift for His stumbling children and those who want to become His faithful citizens. He had to correct their continued sin so that as His reputation proceeded in their going, it would be revealed He is not a God who will be made in their image or ours, but we must repent and again allow our character to be formed into His image. If they would not repent, He'd remain faithful but would send them without Him. Moses interlinks God's reputation with himself and Israel, saying that God's not going was untenable. "For how shall it be known that I have found favor in your sight, I and your people? Is it not in your going with us, so that we are distinct, I and your people, from every other people on the face of the earth?” Intercession clasped these, God's and Israel's reputations again.
Here's what we can learn from this relationship:
Our lives allow the world to hear about the reputation of His Provision: Joshua 2:10: “For we have heard how the LORD how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea before you when you came out of Egypt.” When Israel was headed into the promised land, the spies encountered God’s reputation had arrived before them. The lady, Rahab, communicated what the people of the land heard about what God would do for Israel and the people of the land.
As we live by faith, our lives become a testament to God's goodness and faithfulness to His promises. Whether we face difficulties or enjoy the ease of life, we can communicate that it is “Our Father who is in Heaven” who “Gives us this day our daily bread.” This daily bread might come from chemo, unexpected financial burdens, or home repairs. Our lives can testify to God's reputation for provision and protection in all aspects.
How does God’s reputation, through you, enter the lives of others through your life circumstances?
Our lives allow the world to hear about the reputation of His Protection: Joshua 9:24 “Because it was told to your servants for a certainty that the LORD your God had commanded his servant Moses to give you all the land and to destroy all the inhabitants of the land from before you- so we feared greatly for our lives because of you…”
In the military, I was allowed to take some college classes to finish my Associate's Degree. I wore a starched uniform and brand-new jump boots to class. I was pulled out of class for a 15-mile road march in new boots. When I arrived home, my brand-new boots were in my hand, and I had blistered feet. I walked into my apartment to a husband who had dinner ready. He did not expect a broken wife but one in a starched uniform. We had the weekend to let my feet rest.
On Monday, he went to speak with the First Sergeant. He wanted to ask who decided to take me out of class and put me on a march with brand-new shoes. After Marlon left, I was called to the office and assigned to the Battalion. All “First” had to say was, “I’m not going to mess with your husband. I will move you to Battalion, so nothing like this will ever happen again.” Marlon never told me what was said in their conversation, but the protection that I was given created a reputation for the protection provided by my husband towards me. In my last three years in the military, I heard, “Oh, you’re Doyle’s wife” a lot. The protection given to me was bigger than my husband.
Marlon prayed for two days that weekend when I arrived home with shoes in hand and blisters filling my feet. He asked God to go before Him and bring a fear that only He could give. We were newly married, and he took the responsibility God had given him of caring, providing, and protecting me, seriously. God met him in this first test, and the reputation of God’s protection of me through my husband was believed by everyone who heard whatever they heard for the next three years of my time at Ft. Lewis. Until the day I left, the story of Doyle and the First Sergeant was viral. If there were an Instagram, the reel would come back in memories year after year.
Our lives allow the world to hear of God’s desire for a Righteous People: Acts 5:11: “And great fear came upon the whole church and upon all who heard of these things.” God set a precedence in the early church. His demand for holiness in His people is still as necessary, but we don’t see the quick response, as this story reveals, towards sin. In their pride, a man named Ananias and his wife set a plan to lie to the Apostles, which Peter called out, “Why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit.” When Ananias’s sin was revealed, he was struck dead.
Here is something to know: while his wife was not there when this happened, God’s mercy was ready to offer her life. The story we read now tells us she was asked, “Tell me whether you sold the land for so much?” We hear the mercy of God in this question today. Sadly, she didn't hear the hint of mercy and life, and answered in the affirmative and died. She was buried alongside her husband. The reputation of God's demand for holiness went throughout the land, and "great fear came upon ... all who heard of these things."
When the people heard of this, it was not that they were scared. No, they understood that God must be taken seriously to the core of their being. The fear that fell on those who heard of these things revealed to them, to all the people in the church and those outside the church, that God desires a righteous and holy people. God’s reputation was attached to the choice this husband and wife made. The consequences of their sin traveled throughout the area and probably further. We read the story today. God's reputation is attached to it beautifully. We read of His Holy character. We understand the demand for holiness from His people. Though we may not see this kind of immediacy from God, He is no less offended by our sins. We know the damage sin does when we hear of a Pastor or Worship leader who falls into sin, and it becomes public. God's reputation is attached to that person and must be dealt with. We cannot allow others to blaspheme God because of our sins because if we say we love Him, His reputation is connected with how we live. He must deal with it so others know that living antithetical to Him is unacceptable. Remember, He continues to stand with mercy in our repentance. Too bad, Sapphira didn't see the mercy that waited for her.
The examples of God’s reputation being revealed through His people can be read in the Old Testament and the New. Stories where folks purport to know about the Only True God before His people arrived in any particular town, city, or area are lessons we can learn from.
I’ll share a story because it is a recent example of God's reputation through my life. A few weeks ago, I received a Facebook message from a woman I did not know. I thought it was a hack, so I went forward with trepidation in opening it. I felt compelled to respond. When I did answer the message, I learned that God’s reputation through my life had reached a woman who did not know me but heard about my commitment to the Lord. I forget how she heard about me, and she might have read this, so I don’t want to communicate what I remember and be wrong. Anyway, she needed prayer for an area where she felt thoroughly discouraged. I had the opportunity to pray with her on the phone after we exchanged numbers. I sent her daily encouragement and passages to read to offer her hope until she communicated that things were being repaired. She’s doing much better, and the situation is getting better. God still builds His reputation to others through His children. He can do it, like with Israel, through our faithfulness and use our sin as He did with Ananias and Sapphira, but we pay for the latter. Others still hear about these things, but we have the privilege of His reputation being built up through our obedience.
What about your life is God ready to show Himself connected with? How is your reputation for godliness allowing others to say, “I heard and see through your life that The Lord protects, provides, and in you has a righteous child.” This offers an opportunity for God to go before you and prepare you to be used for the victory in the bigger picture. In my life, the young lady found me by God’s direction because she heard about the God who’s leading my life, not just hearing about me; I’m irrelevant until God's reputation through my life and seen in my faithfulness is highlighted. We don't need to wait for Pastors to be available. God is waiting for you to allow Him to set His reputation before others through your life.
Does your life reveal God’s reputation written on it where it can be said, “All who heard of these things…” knew God’s provision, protection is over His righteous child?
Long after I leave this earth, through death, I pray for God's reputation through how I obeyed and loved Him, and others continue to fill those whom I've touched, and then they've touched because of my life. Wanting God's reputation to be connected through your life is an honorable goal, especially achieved through your faithfulness and exuberant desire for obedience. Ain't nothing wrong with that!