Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not lay for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
This blog is a little peek into the bigger project I've undertaken in my book "Good... not quite as expected." As I've studied the Scriptures and walked my Christian life there are things I've known because of the knowledge offered in being in God's Word. Sometimes those things take a bit of time to put together in my living them out. One of those things is how we claim and praise God for the blessings He brings into our lives. It is easy and common to treat those as if He's offering us an earthly treasure to luxuriate in. We treat the blessing as if it's the end in itself. We look at the treasure for our comfort to the exclusion of the Gift giver, in many cases. We would abdicate our responsibility not to be grateful. We also, abdicate obedience to stake our claim in the earthly treasure.
Jesus warned us where to build our treasures. Then, how do we know where our hearts are building, earth or heaven? 1 Corinthians 4 offers some insight to take into consideration. Verses 2-5, "Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful.3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by any human court. In fact, I do not even judge myself.4 For I am not aware of anything against myself, but I am not thereby acquitted. It is the Lord who judges me.5 Therefore do not pronounce judgment before the time, before the Lord comes, who will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God." Paul writes that to the Corinthians, yet I want to warn us that we can say we know where our treasure is being built. Our motives are inward and we might be sabotaged by them if we cede responsibility to check ourselves. Some signs will help us know where our treasures are being stored. This is an area of our Christian lives we must stay alert. Paul also, commands, "Let a person examine himself... 1 Corinthians 11:28" Again he writes in 2 Corinthians 13:5 "Examine yourselves..." This is not to be taken for granted. When is the last time you have examined yourself? Concerning our treasures, we must not take this area lightly. Jesus did not warn us about this and command a direction for His sake. The examination concerning our treasures, reveals to whom our loyalty belongs.
The first place of examination is found in trials. How do you view God when hard times come, when you lose earthly treasures, when life does not go as expected? I can easily write, that we need to hold loosely to the treasures in our lives. It isn't until things are taken away that we can truly know how loosely we have held those things. Trials are a blessing that allows examination of many areas of our life in Christ. Where our treasures lie, is one of the greatest areas of examination.
The second place of examination is in sharing your treasures. How easily do we share the gifts God has given us? I'm not talking only about what we put in the offering bucket. Let's expand that to how we support the poor. How do we contribute to the lives of others in the Body of Christ? How freely do we give away that which God has put in our lives? Do we use the treasures simply to make our lives more comfortable? Do we make distinctions between those who've earned our supply or our availability to help? I'm not saying we should not be wise or discerning in where we offer our help, but do people need to earn it? Is it in those who can pay us back that we invest, or in those who have no means of repayment? Have you taken the time for this examination over the last year? You will only know your heart condition, spiritually, if you take the exam.
The third place we can offer examination is through our anxiety. What are the things you worry about? Right now Marlon and I are in a transition period. He retired last year at this time. We have a little over a year on a severance packet he received. The money, medical, and main-stay that Comcast was is closing behind us. As this door closes, Marlon is searching for work that will provide an income, medial, and allow us to live in the comfort of what we've been blessed with. It's easy to say, "Oh God will provide." And I agree wholeheartedly. God will provide. Yet, for me to believe He will provide at our comfort level is to take His provision for granted. You may wonder, "why?" He doesn't owe us this comfortable living. Wanting to build my treasure in heaven, is to allow God to provide however He chooses. Yes, we have a retirement fund, but in this economy, that can go quickly. I can spend time worried about how to keep the standard of living we've become accustomed to, but that can be an indicator of "where my heart has built its treasure." Instead, I know God will provide, and I leave it to, "Provide however, it's best for your Kingdom." I want the outcome of my examination to reveal that my heart seeks His Kingdom first, not that I'm building my own. The latter is easily destroyed and with it can go my faith.
The good I desire from God allows His Kingdom to Come and His Will to be done. God can allow that to whatever extent brings Him glory. I will "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Those things are his provision for food, shelter, and the needs of His children. Do not get me wrong I do not believe we are going to lose anything. I believe we will go on, eventually with new employment and things will stay as they were before this. The point, I'm making is worry opens the door for us to look at our hearts and offer an indicator of where the treasures lie. And if God chooses something to need to go, I hope that examination will reveal that I know, His Good is building my treasures in heaven not on earth.