Psalm 109:26,27 "Help me, O LORD my God! Oh, save me according to Your mercy, THAT THEY MAY KNOW THAT THIS IS YOUR HAND, THAT YOU, LORD, HAVE DONE IT!
Father in heaven, many are screaming end times, yet they have mistaken that other Nations have dictatorial leaders and chaos filling their lands every day. The persecution we face is slight compared to what many Nation's people have dealt with for years. While our Nation's Leaders have crossed lines that don't belong to them, our discomfort or the chaos we see doesn't mean you're returning soon. It just means the Enemy may be allowed to create the chaos in America he has caused on other Continents. This may be ONLY the beginning of what America might face. THIS IS NOT OUR HOME. That may be what we have forgotten. Unlike Abraham, who looked forward to his new home, American Christianity obsesses over earthly Comfort, not an eternal home.
Help your people here in America not focus so much on what day it is. Help us focus on Who you are and correctly exegete your Scriptures, and then live accordingly. This will not be the first time your people have predicted your return and have been wrong. You told us to occupy till you come, help us focus on that responsibility. While we hasten the day of your return, let us do more to rejoice in the day you have made. Please help us be salt and light among the people you have put in our lives. If we truly believe these are the end days, help us be more diligent in sharing the gospel of your Son. We claim that we don't need to walk in fear but can boldly go out in faith. Help that be a distinguishing factor of your true people.
And Father, whatever the conclusion of this time that we live, help each of us live to make a difference in one person's life. Let that difference bring you glory and a new life into your kingdom. Make us the laborers in this amazing harvest. However, this plays out, let it be crystal clear that it was "Your hand, That You, LORD, have done it!!"