Call to attention All believers who hesitate to share the gospel because you think it can be harsh so you want to water it down. You feel like “deny yourself” is impossible to share. You want to reword,”pick up your cross.”
That’s because you think the gospels appeal is in your skill.
The irony is the appeal lies in the very strictness of The gospel message itself. Its exclusive, narrow way is its FREEDOM MESSAGE!
Yes, Jesus is the ONLY WAY, the ONLY TRUTH, the ONLY LIFE. This is a sharp contrast to the soft religiosity peddled by religious leaders. Oh Jesus wants you happy so however that happens He’s in agreement. Even if that’s at the expense of His WAY. All religions lead to The Father. Even at the expense of Jesus as TRUTH. Or their teachings that Jesus came to make your dreams come true just name it and claim it. Even at the expense of Him being the Only true LIFE.
It is the very message of letting go of your life to gain His that truly sets free. It is Eternal Life. His message brings the Father to dwell with you, and allows you to know Him and His Only Son Whom He sent.
Trust the message
Live the message
Share the message
Any other message is a false gospel, leading to a false Jesus and offers fleshly satisfaction but not real Life.
Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ was never just a mental assent. In Scripture and through history truly believing in Him was a life assent, all heart, soul, mind and strength. It is message of giving up of oneself as the Holy Spirit empowers and lives in you. Nothing less is enough.