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Writer's pictureMrsCookieD

Medicating the Soul; Syncretism

2 Kings 17:33 "They feared the Lord, yet served their own gods—according to the rituals of the nations from among whom they were carried away." It's pretty sad how many believers and followers of Jesus find themselves in the same place as Israel at the time of the 2 Kings passage. They attend church. They use their gifts to encourage other believers. They even go to Bible studies. For some reason, when their soul aches, they run to man's remedies.

One of the policies I appreciated from the Trump Administration is the "Right to Try." That policy offered people diagnosed with a disease for there has been no cure, yet one is in trial mode, to willingly become the trial agents for this possible new cure. The person has been given a death sentence, and this policy offered them a potential pathway to life. Yes, they had to go through a contract where no lawsuits could be filed if it did not work or decreased their days of living. A physical disorder can be cured in ways Western medicine has discovered over the years is impressive. People are alive today because God has gifted humanity with the ability to find amazing technology for what physically ails society, from sickness to injury.

The sad thing is our society has attempted that with the soul. Our inner being has become a place that man has endeavored to cure, while the only cure for the soul is God. Repentance and surrender to Jesus' Lordship is a remedy we have invalidated. Once we walk with the Lord and experience mood swings, depression, and mental anxieties, so many say they "fear the Lord (believing in Jesus); Yet serve their other gods (man's psychological remedies)." No one loves discomfort, especially discomfort of the soul. The discomfort we don't have an answer to put our finger on or put under ultrasound or other technology that discovers physical injury or disease. Something we can point out and offer an immediate cure for. We hear from educated people that you can talk it out, which will help. You can point out past pains, and that will help. YOu can forgive yourself, and that will help. You can become part of the over-medicated community, and that will help. For some reason, you do all that, and still, your soul hurts between the chats, the blaming, the repeated forgiving yourself, and the medicines.

Why do God's people think using man's remedy will be blessed by God?

Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us, "God set eternity in the heart of man." God is a jealous God who created man for himself and will not allow mankind to find peace in our souls without him. Does that mean we will never experience happiness in life? No! Many without God find happiness in life. However, you may find they do continue to try to fill themselves with peace. Peace will elude even happiness without God. You find many happy people strung out on medications for their soul discontent. Let me say your gods will never satisfy. These people are not syncretists. They don't belong to Jesus. They are looking for ways to ameliorate a longing in the soul that can only be satisfied by God.

God's people should understand how ailments of the soul can be mended. We have conflated the soul with something that belongs to trained professionals. We attempt to have human resources help us when we are hurt or are depressed, or anything in that arena, but is not physiological. Only God can satisfy the soul. Psalm 1 outlines the distinctions between the counsel of the world from the counsel of God. Syncretism in our lives is when we think we can run to the world, walk in their wisdom, stand in their resources, and sit with their counsel for that which only God has the answers. We offer the world our soul and give God what's left. God is not divided though we think he's for Sunday, and man's resources are for the rest of the week.

What is the answer when our soul hurts? Let me begin answering that by saying there is nothing wrong with counsel. It simply depends on where the counsel leads. If that counsel leads to a dependency on the counselor or medication that does not deal with a physiological malady, then that is absent of God. Proverbs 15:22 says, "Without counsel, purposes are disappointed; but the multitude of counselors they are established." Counsel that comes from God's people should always lead us back to His Word. There are things we encounter in life that opinions may vary about, and there is no black-or-white answer in Scripture. Should my husband and I have only one banking account? should our kids have their own room? Should I give my teens a bedtime? Opinions may vary on these things. When simple struggles like this grow without clear direction, no matter how simple, they can add to stressful feelings. With that, can you imagine if the struggles foment deep consequences?

God knows our emotions can be a problem, and he offers us the necessary care. In Thessalonians, we are told, "warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all." This passage deals with those who are expressing outward actions about emotional struggles. God lets us know in his Word that this can happen. Christianity does not dismiss the reality of emotional pain, but the solution is completely dependent on God and the community of believers. To go outside of that is to add a false god to The solutions of the True and living God. I have not met many people who go to outside sources, especially sources that medicate emotional struggles, who said t medication. In most cases, they've felt like they added a differet struggle, a physical one, to what was not.

When Christians choose to medicate, that which is not physiological, they are choosing to depend on something other than God. This is no different than Israel, who said, "They feared the Lord, yet served their own gods." There is sarcasm in this because the Scriptures also tell us God will share his glory with no one. The essence of this passage is they served their own gods. Looking for answers for your soul's hurt outside of the True and Living God is to split your loyalty, and God says you cannot serve God and mammon; while that may allude to money, it is true without everything, we prioritize over God. God has the answers for our soul, His Son, and His Word, and trust that he knows what is happening with you and can lead you in the way you should go. Go to his Word and his children who take his Word seriously and let God restore your soul, Psalm 19:7-14. Don't become a syncretist, God is not divided.

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