The Jews in Ezra's time were responsible for rebuilding the Temple, the House of God. They hit snags, were thwarted by enemies and were allowed to begin again. Finally, the precious things that Nebuchadnezzar took out were brought back to the House of the LORD. The Levites and priests were put back in their positions as prescribed by God. Passover was celebrated, and the people rejoiced. These things needed to be done according to The LORD's prescription.
We can do things the way we want and make the assumption because we are sincere, God is pleased. The book of Joshua is one place that outlines how the ark of the covenant was to be carried and who was to carry it. God desires obedience, not sacrifice. Now the ark had not been in Jerusalem but taken by the Philistines. They suffered from it in their land, so they sent it back. It landed in Beth-shemesh (1 Samuel 6). Sadly, some men were "struck because they looked upon the ark of the LORD." In chapter 7, men from Kiriath-jearim came and took up the ark of the LORD... They consecrated... Eleazar to have charge of the ark of the LORD." This is where it stayed for years. We read about men being struck for handling the ark out of the prescription of God. The Philistines even suffered because of their ignorance. Yet, all of those who suffered were sincere.
Once David became King of Israel, he desired to bring the ark back to Jerusalem. Unfortunately, he did not set his heart on studying God's law to know how the ark should be transported. In 2 Samuel 6, the ark is brought back, sincerely, but not according to the Law of God. A life was struck because of the error. David became angry and asked, "How can the ark of the LORD ever come to me? He was not willing to move the ark." It took that consequence. It was a just thing God did. He is a God of justice and righteousness on earth. David finally set his heart to studying God's Law to instruct the people how to correctly move the ark of the covenant. Once they followed God's prescription, the ark was brought to Jerusalem. Obedience to God's law was the winning factor.
Over and again, we can read stories of people who chose sacrifice over obedience. They wanted to do something God instructed them about how to do, but they wanted to do it their way. King Saul decided not to wait for Samuel and offered sacrifices only the priest was supposed to offer, 1 Samuel 13:13. Saul was rebuked, "You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you." Plus, he disobeyed a direct command from God's prophet/priest, Samuel.
Knowing God's Word, doing it, and then sharing it so others can obey it is vital to the Christian walk. My mom would scold me when she directed me to do something a specific way. She'd say, "the reason things are messed up is because you chose to do that your way. There is a specific way to do it. I did not give you these instructions for my health." Yet, we think we are more innovative. We have an easier way. We are impatient. We want what we want. Then we suffered because we gave God a sacrifice but not the obedience He requires.
In 2 Chronicle 26:16, good king Uzziah became strong, and sadly arrogance came with it. Uzziah's strength and power came from the LORD. Uzziah thought it was his own, and pride took him over. I don't think he fought against it. Oh no, he was a willing participant in a haughty look. He thought he could do God's instructions his way, and his life was impacted until the day he died. In his unfaithfulness, not setting his heart to study God's law, he chose to "enter the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense." The priest followed him, one who set his heart to study God's law, and warned Uzziah. This warning was at the risk of his life, and he knew it. He called out to Uzziah, the King, "It is not for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to the LORD. That is for the priest, the descendants of Aaron, who have been consecrated to burn incense. Leave the sanctuary, for you have been unfaithful, and you will not be honored by the LORD God." The rest of the story is worth reading to determine how Uzziah was impacted.
There is a responsibility for those who set their hearts to study God's Law to do it and then teach it. That is making disciples. Galatians 6:1 tells those mature in their faith to help those stumbling in theirs. The mature are those who set their hearts to study God's Word, doing, and then teaching in ways they are able. Teaching does not mean we need to study the significant terms of theology. It means we know the light of Scripture to offer truth to others.
As Ezra walked through the rebuilding and setting up of the Temple, the Levites, and the priest, he prepared himself to know all God required. The people were going to learn how to do God's direction God's way. Ezra 7:10 "For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the LORD, and to do it and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel." Ezra wanted the people to know by his example what God required so they would know how living obediently to God looked. God does not always strike people for not doing things His way. We will see that in a few with Saul.
Jesus says in John 4:34, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me..." That should be the mission of all God's children. Sentimentality, emotions, deep desire, and arrogance should not be why we allow ourselves to go against what God declares or instructs in His Word. That is not the life of one of Jesus' disciples. We may stumble, James tells us, "we all stumble in many ways." However, it is not an excuse for deliberate defiance. Psalm 19:13 "Keep Your servant back from presumptuous sins; Let them not rule over me; Then I will be innocent, and will be blameless of great wrongdoing." That's a powerful prayer.
We are told not to be unequally yoked. "But I love him/her" should not be why we disobey God.
We are told that marriage is between a man and a woman. "But this is how I feel" should not be why we disobey God.
We are told... (you feel in the blank). We can fill that blank when we set our hearts to know and study God's Word. Then we set our lives in line to do His Word. Finish that by making a choice to obey and "make disciples teaching them to obey all that Jesus taught." We may not think there is a cost to living like the adage, "it is better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission." That is a gamble. What if forgiveness does not happen because your choice for sacrifice over obedience is the cost of your life? No, that doesn't always happen. Yet, God can choose to discipline however He chooses. He is God. He is Just!
I pray that you and I will conform to what Ezra committed himself to for his good and the good of Israel. I gave examples of those who chose diametrically different ways and the consequences of those choices. While 2023 is in the formation month of January, decide to set your heart to studying God's Word. Let it transform you and me into the people who desire only to want to do the will of our Father in heaven. Samuel told Saul, "Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offering and sacrifice, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice and to listen than the fat of rams." Many people who say they love God live antithetically to what would be obedient to God's Word. Their feelings lead them to do something that appears ok. It isn't bad and won't hurt anyone, but is it obedience? The only way we know that is to know God's Word.
If you are a resolution-type person, make this your priority. Study to show yourself approved. Study, read, and meditate on God's truth. You will benefit the kingdom by walking as salt and light and not a handicap of ignorance costing yourself and perhaps others. We saw that in our examples. God regretted making Saul king for his decision to move on his own in offering the sacrifices. He was supposed to wait and let Samuel offer them. Saul went on as king, and it appeared there were no consequences. They were coming. God had already made His decision, which was years away, but it would be fulfilled. Don't take sacrificing what you think is ok with God to the LORD for granted. He accepts obedience every time over sacrifice. Know what God says so you can live it out loud. Ezra was committed to knowing the Law, living it out, and making sure others had no excuses to say they didn't know. He was going to teach them.
Take up the Ezra mantle, "For Ezra had set his heart to study the Law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach his statutes and rules in Israel." This makes God's heart rejoice in His children.