Going through Psalms one chapter a day with meditation has really brought each one alive to me. There are those Psalms we all know and love, 1, 23, 27, 18, 100, 119, and a few others. Then there are those with the study of the Psalms or the choice to meditate one at a time that God allows them to jump off the page and into your heart. Those are the Psalms we choose to walk out through life. Psalm 88 has become one that has become instructive to me, and I’ve passed it on through counseling already.
Psalm 88 was written by the Sons of Korah. It speaks to the reality of understanding the character of God so much that when circumstances of life are overwhelming, there isn’t a question of, “Why?” You turn back to God with such trust there is no question he will take you through what you are going through.
The Psalmist points out some of the circumstances in his life, bad circumstances, are coming directly from the hand of God. Even that did not turn the Psalmist against God. He leaned deeper still.
I‘m reminded of a story of David sinning against God by conducting a census for self-serving reasons. God stood against David for it. David recognized his sin and repented. God was not through dealing with this sin. Though he forgave David, there would be consequences.
“Either three years of famine, three months of being swept away by his enemies, or three days of the Angel of the Lord wreaking destruction from border to border.” David’s answer sounds like the writer of Psalm 88.
“So David replied to Gad, “This is a terrible choice for me to make! Let me now please fall into the hand of the Lord, because his mercy is very great, but may I never fall into human hands.”
David knew the mercy of the very God that also brought consequences. While God did send a pestilence that took lives, God stopped his Angel from completing the 3 days. This is emblematic of the mercy of God. Yes, even when he brings the destruction.
When God is taking us through trials or even consequences for our sin, it is better to push deeper into him. Doing this is evidence we understand his character. Unfortunately, so many would rather turn their back on him and trust themselves. Even though God is the only one who can change or thwart what he’s doing to offer mercy, instead of being angry with him, call out to him. Plead your case, humble yourself, trust Him.
Just like the Psalmist, acknowledge what God is doing. Don’t ignore his character of righteousness that he must hold to. Whatever you do, please don’t turn your back on him. He’s a good God even when he allows bad circumstances, deserved or undeserved.
Life is hard. We are vapors. Hard times happen. But God remains good. Trusting God beyond the circumstances or through them is the definition of true faith in God. That’s wanting him, not for anything more than Him. That is a relationship. He’s deserving of our submission and honor even when the path he takes us puts us on a fork. Take the road of the Psalmist; too many have taken the road of the Pessimist. Trust, doubt, choose wisely.