I’m loving my study this year through the prophets and Revelation. I just began Jeremiah, who is actually a favorite of mine. Jeremiah speaking for God says, “Has a Nation changed its gods, Which are not gods? But my people have changed their Glory for what does not profit. For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, The Fountain of Living Water, And made themselves cisterns- broken cisterns that can hold no water.”
In Judah’s time, it is true, no other Nation had turned from their false gods to Yahweh. Yes, individuals did but not as an entire Nation. Only Israel as a whole, turned its back on the Only True God. Of course with a remnant always staying loyal.
One must ask, why? This seems as if it’s pointed out for a reason. Yes, there is sarcasm in the text.
”My people have changed their Glory, for what does not profit.” But why, as a Nation did Israel continue to run to “broken cisterns that hold no water” away from “The Living Water?”
The same reasons people turn their backs on God today. 1. They want their way.
2. They want gods of no profit, so they can have moments of profiting in their sin. 3. They want their divorce with no fault.
4. They want to abandon their responsibilities as a parent.
5. They want to hold on to that family member who is living in sin but saying they are a Christian.
6. They want to follow their “feelings” of love in relationships God does not honor.
7. They want whatever their heart desires without consequence.
8. They want no moral demand, thus having no moral obligations. That’s what Israel wanted. That’s what folks want today.
There are consequences though. God may not act quickly, but he’s acting. Emotionally you are suffering. Physically you’re falling apart. These things gifted by God so you will turn from sin back to righteousness.
Israel suffered literal bondage. The Northern Nation to Assyria. The Southern Nation later, not having learned the lesson, to Babylon.
Today we suffer in our sin but we just see it as common sicknesses, mental health, etc and think it’s commonplace, but IT’S GOD! He’s calling your attention from “cisterns that hold no water“ back to “The Living Water.”
Turning our back on God is easy to do if we want other than Him more than Him. If we aren’t in his Word seriously, confessing sin regularly, becoming infatuated with sin can happen so simply. Take Judah’s example seriously. When Israel turned its back as a Nation on God, Judah did not pay attention. God had shown who he was over and again.
Judah is our example, they, as a Nation turned their back on God. Are we paying attention to who God has shown himself to be in the Scripture? What will it take for us to see these historical narratives seriously? We should read their problems, consequences and let it militate in us the fear of the Lord.
That will reveals we take their example serious and it will keep us from turning our backs on The Lord. Learn from history, don’t repeat it. Don’t turn your back on God,.